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Renée K. Nicholson, MFA is a writer and scholar based in Morgantown, West Virginia. Her creative and academic work have appeared widely, in such venues as The Gettysburg Review, The Millions, Electric Literature, Poets & Writers, Bellevue Literary Review, and elsewhere. A past Emerging Writer-in-Residence at Penn State-Altoona College, Renée recently directed the Humanities Center at West Virginia University, where she regularly collaborated with health professionals and patients to tell authentic stories from healthcare. Renée holds a Certificate of Professional Achievement in Narrative Medicine from Columbia University where she is active in alumnx and affinity groups.

Recently featured in Speaking of Marvels talking about Postscripts, her forthcoming book of poetry:

Renée's other books include: 

Renée is a creative partner in Healthcare Is Human, a narrative medicine project. She was a consulting writer on the book Off Belay: One Last Great Adventure by Jamie Shumway. 

She also holds certification in the National Training Curriculum from American Ballet Theatre, and often writes about dance. 

You can also find my professional bio from WVU here